Sunday, September 18, 2022

Be Balanced: Introduction


Throughout my recent journey to find a true wholeness within myself, I have returned over and over again to the concept of balance. I have learned that balance, in all its many layers, is a vital key to unlocking my wholeness and becoming more of who I am and who I want to be. Patterns and visuals have dominated much of my thoughts the last couple of years, resulting in scattered papers and chicken-scratch notes in random places that I’m sure will continue to reappear for some time to come.

This compilation of thoughts is my way of organizing what I have learned for myself, as well as to develop a system to self-evaluate where and when there is imbalance and to have a direction to go in returning to self. For me, when I put in the effort to return to self and find connection there, my relationship with others and Divine Source naturally become healthier and stronger - not because other people in my life change, but because I change what is imbalanced within me.

What is balance?

Before I set out on this journey, I thought that in order for something to be balanced, it had to be equal in quantity with something else, like scales unmoving and perfectly aligned.

However, I’ve learned that this is not the case!

Balance is: the right measurement needed from moment to moment, a fluctuating flow that brings a dependable surety. This flow occurs between varying dualities working together, a unity forming one melody - a consistent rhythm with ever-changing harmonies.

I have found that the visual that perfectly illustrates balance is the infinity symbol or symbol of Eternity.

Here is a basic example to illustrate this:

A balanced sleep schedule is not made by sleeping 12 exact hours and being awake for 12 exact hours every single day like some robot could be programmed to do. Rather, a balance may look like a person getting 6 hours of sleep one night, waking up, and then being busy all day. Then, feeling exhausted, they go to sleep again for another 6 hours, but wake up feeling far from rested. Their body may require more sleep, and if this person is in tune to their body’s request and they sleep till they feel better rested, they have found balance through the right measurement of what they needed in that moment.

Naturally, it will be different every 24-hour cycle, but flowing between the duality (sleep and wakefulness) as best as possible adds to the overall health of a person. It becomes an infinity symbol where sleep becomes wakefulness and wakefulness returns to sleep.

The maintaining of balance is illustrated everywhere in nature and in our lives beyond our awareness or comprehension. Everything exists together by natural law because of balance; from the seasons, to tiny ecosystems, to the organized universe, it is a layered tapestry made of tiny threads woven together to create one, whole masterpiece. Take a look for yourself and see what you notice. It will give you greater understanding beyond what I can tell you.

Balance is timeless, yet it is delicate.

It is both certain and uncertain.

It is ever moving, yet holds the space of true security and wholeness.

It is both a journey and a destination.


What is imbalance?

While balance is the connection and unity of opposites, imbalance generally takes on the form of two extremes of the two opposites. Imbalance, in a nutshell, is where chaos and temporary disintegration occurs. This is also where our behaviors create more imbalance unless changed.

For example, if you over-indulge in sleep or experience a deprivation of sleep (over-indulge in wakefulness), you experience an unhealthy extreme that leads to an imbalanced state that takes away from the wellness of your life and being.

There is an over-arching Balance (with a big “B”) that makes up this universe, and imbalance is actually a vital part of this great Balance and your very existence. For this reason, imbalance cannot be labeled as “bad” or something to be ashamed of.

In order for you to be more fully Balanced and unlock your wholeness, understand that it is the very way of life that you flow between both balance and imbalance. Nature’s cycles play out this dynamic constantly, it being the way of growth, change, and movement.

Imbalance is present even in the way you physically get from one place to another. When you lift one foot to walk, you create a moment of imbalance, which then leads you to balance again when that foot is placed in front of you. It doesn’t make sense to hop around everywhere on one foot in an exhausting struggle of imbalance, or to remain in one place indefinitely in an illusion of constant balance, only to fall over backwards from locked knees. True progression is not achieved while remaining in imbalance.

However, any imbalance can be used to propel you forward into balance through awareness. It need only be temporary in the larger scheme of things, because in some way, at some time, an imbalance will return to balance due to natural law of the greater Balance. So don’t fight, ignore, or deny what is there. This will only create conflict within yourself and the opposite of wholeness and well-being.

We all experience imbalance in many aspects and layers, from day to day and year to year. It is simply reality. Any fear-based behavior, unbelief (a belief of limitation), or uncomfortable emotion can be accepted, honored, touched with love, and then returned to balance each time that you return to yourself. As you read about the many layers in the coming chapters, your perspective of what is imbalanced with expand.

Where ever you are right now, whatever space you feel you are in today, it does not matter. You will find imbalance in yourself, and it is a gift if you use it propel you forward.


Finding Your Balance

Finding your balance is a personal journey. Only you have access to the map that will get you to where you desire to be.

For this reason, I will not provide all the answers (not that I have them anyway), or an all-inclusive set of dynamics for every possible situation. My goal is not to provide the “how to”, but my deepest hope is that the following words I will write will be a sort of compass and a guide to encourage you to pick up your own map. I invite you to be willing to take a good look at where you are, where you want to go, who you want to be, and how you want to feel.

Have you ever desired to feel and experience more of the following?
















These things come from balance and lead to balance.

If you have desired these things that come from balance and lead to balance, then it is extremely likely that you have experienced any number of the things in the next list:









Poor health







If you are familiar with any of those things listed, you have experienced imbalance. This awareness is the first step and it can serve you if you choose. As you strive to move from imbalance into balance, you will have opportunities to look through perspective lenses of your relationship with yourself, with others, and with your Divine Source. You can also explore the dynamics of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs while letting go of limiting labels of who you are and who you perceive others to be.

Your balance cannot be forced, and it does not come from the outside, regardless of what you think external things and people “should” be in order for you to feel a certain way.

You have it in you to find balance. You ARE nature, so the instincts are within.

Dare to look inward and choose to trust yourself one step at a time.

Written and Created by Danie Davis. All Rights Reserved. 

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